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Per-Olov Lindgren

Higher benefit of the document and case management system

How do we get more benefit from our document and case management system

A large proportion of the organizations that have invested in document and case management systems have not achieved the full purpose of the purchase. Achieving the purpose is important because procurement and procurement of this type of system is a costly investment in both time and money for the public organization. As a starting point for the purchase, the buyer has formulated a strategy that often describes a higher level of service, better availability and increased quality for citizens and companies. This at the same time as the organization gets access to modern technology and good work aids that simplify and streamline work. It has now been shown that in many cases, only a fraction of the functions available in the purchased IT system are used. It is common for only the diary system to be in full use and other functions were used only partially or not at all.

In this article, Strandgården Konsult explains the main reasons for this and how the organization should work to achieve the purpose of purchasing the document and case management system.

The reasons why the goals were not achieved

The following reasons are common with the buyer (municipality, authority)

  • The first installation of the system became very problematic and the schedule was not followed

  • The supplier had difficulty or could not meet the requirements they promised

  • It was very difficult to just get the basic features in place

  • When the Supplier won the agreement, they were less interested in realizing our goals

  • Everything we needed to do to get a good system cost extra

  • The supplier lacks competence and also does not understand how we work

  • Many got tired and confidence in the project and the document and case management system sank to the bottom

The following comments are common among suppliers in the industry

  • When the procurement has a low price as a criterion, we can only deliver a minimum

  • It was not written in clear text how the requirement would be met

  • If we understood the processes better, we would have needed a higher price

  • Our system solves the requirement in its own way, but it was not the way the customer wanted it

  • We must work with the customer to configure the system correctly

  • It is a process over time to introduce a document and case management system

Is it possible to rescue the money invested?

An important question is whether the public organizations can achieve a return on their investments or whether the money is thrown into the lake. The organization also pays regularly so-called maintenance fees for functions in the system that were not used.

Under certain conditions, it is possible for public organizations to make use of their invested money.

There are two main benefit areas in the strategies for digitization in the public sector, that is

  • Efficiency in your own organization and

  • High level of service to citizens, companies and other authorities

The work of taking advantage of the investment in the document and case management system must focus on these areas of benefit. This in turn by working with further development of their business processes and appropriate functions in the purchased system.

An operating system for large groups of users but which is inefficient and, for example, creates 1 hour of extra work per week for a group of 500 employees means an unnecessary cost of approximately SEK 9 million/year in addition to all irritation. Correspondingly, major negative consequences arise for citizens and others. when the service level is low.

However, it is important to make benefit analyzes to justify which parts of the document and case management system should be used and how the service to citizens and others are affected.

This analysis reveals benefits, new resources and costs that must be allocated for the implementation of selected projects.

Strandgården suggests that you work with the following model to increase utilization

  • Analyze whether the existing system is the right solution to meet goals and visions in the strategy

  • Important business processes are mapped against possible system support

  • Initiated analysis prior to the development of business processes and services

  • Carry out a benefit analysis and add a budget for decided projects

  • Ensure that the supplier has competence and that they can work towards the same goals as the customer

  • Organize the collaboration work with a professional development and management model.

  • Implement selected improvement projects one at a time

  • Ensure results with agile and transparent working methods, where user groups are included in the projects.

Strandgården Consultancy

Strandgården has experience and expertise in this area, with knowledge of the various document and case management systems and the suppliers' capabilities. As expert consultants, we can be part of the customer's work to increase the benefit of their existing system.

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