The digitization work in the municipal sector takes place today to meet the way we handle services such as banking, order goods and services online or with apps largely 24/7. Most municipalities have formulated strategies for their digitization, as well as the Government and SKL have formulated strategies such as "Digital first". Many municipalities have identified the need for an increased level of service to citizens, companies and other stakeholders. The strategies that are formed for this need include a contact center, CC, which is staffed with internal administrators from the administrations. Contact centers have many interfaces such as email, telephone, e-services, web solutions, text messages, chat but also support for social media such as Facebook and for personal visits. The purpose is that comprehensive information from the activities shall be available in CC so that cases can be started, handled and closed. Information and data from the organization's operating system are made available to the staff in the Contact Center. Accessibility is achieved by the stakeholder himself choosing the way the contact to the municipality is made, email, sms, telephone, e-service, etc., the level of service will be high because CC is staffed with municipal counselors and administrators from the entire business. As far as possible, applications, questions or other matters must be resolved through contact with the municipality.
The strategy of solving this need with a so-called Contact centers have gradually gained ground in many municipalities that have begun the introduction recently. The various steps in introducing a Contact Center are:
That the management decides and finances a digitization strategy
The implementation
Impact assessment
Implementation plan
Development of services and processes
IT support and security
Application management and continuity.
Digitization strategy
A municipality's extensive areas of activity presuppose an overall strategy that is normally formulated with visions and goals at a high level. The strategy should include at least the following sections:
A vision of service and service levels
Time frames for intermediate goals and objectives
Areas of activity to be included in the Contact Center
Organization and financial budget
Regulatory guidelines
In order for the strategy to be realized, it needs to be broken down into relevance for the various sub-areas such as, for example, schools, care and the administrative organization, and reworked into a tactical implementation plan.
Tactical implementation plan
The tactical implementation plan should include at least the following areas and phases:
Transparency of consequences regarding laws and regulations
Confidentiality rules, principles of openness and trade union aspects, etc.
Division into a successive introduction
Changed work processes and competence needs must be divided into implementation phases for the various business areas.
Development of services, environments and processes
Development of service concepts for which matters and services can be solved directly by CC and which are either partly handled in the first stage and then finalized within the administrative organization.
Business and service development
Service catalog for new and further developed services
Design and IT architecture for full or partial automation of cases.
Information design for data from other systems
Regulations for process engine
Price and cost models
What information should be available to CC
How expert consultations are to take place
How confidentiality rules and the GDPR are met in the services
Diary keeping
How communication is to take place between the external stakeholder and the municipality. (my pages, answers to inquiries, etc.)
Work processes
Statistics, follow-up and opportunities to follow cases
New workplaces in the premises of the Contact Center
IT support and IT security:
An IT support that can handle the entire CC process
Open interfaces to incoming channels
Interface for e-services, web applications
Connections to telephony systems
Integrations with other business systems, Diarium, school, etc.
Logic and process engine different case types
FAQ and expert support
Interface to external experts
Follow-up and statistics
Opportunity to gradually introduce an increased number of activities and functions
An established and proven IT solution
IT infrastructure
Ensure that IT systems and processes meet the security requirements
Continuous training in business services, processes and support systems.
Application management and continuity for services, processes and security
Application management in collaboration with suppliers of system solutions
Application management (ASM) according to appropriate method (ex.PM3)
Organization for ASM consisting of the municipality's operations and external IT expertise
Further development and improvement of services
Further development of the services with regard to new laws, rules and guidelines
Compliance with new additional mobile services such as apps, social media, internet services and features in the solution
Continuity regarding security
PÄ marknaden finns olika IT-lösningar för Kontaktcenter behoven,
Vissa Àr av arten en verktygslÄda dÀr kunden sjÀlv fÄr skapa tjÀnsterna andra har mer fÀrdiga lösningar för ett kommunalt CC.
An existing solution that has very ready-made functions for a municipal CC is Customer Service from Artvise AB. Since the Artvise solution has many customer installations made and can be put into operation after a short configuration, we believe that it can be recommended. The species-specific solution that very well meets the requirements is briefly described below: Artvise Customer Service ( Artvise provides a system solution for a common and well-functioning Contact Center that increases customer satisfaction and provides improved internal efficiency. The Artvise solution is well proven in many installations that have been in production for several years, it provides good IT support that meets customer requirements. Customers' and citizens' demands for accessibility and ways of communicating are constantly changing, and the rapid pace of change places great demands on organizations' ability to adapt, speed and flexibility. To succeed well in the competition that prevails today, flexible and cost-effective IT support is required that ensures continued high availability and service - solutions that always put the customer in focus.

Artvise Customer Service's interface for integration with business systems and diaries creates conditions for administrators to have access to information in one and the same system. It enables collaboration between different departments within the organization, which increases efficiency. The ability to work with most modern communication channels allows easy collection of information as well as fast feedback. We have placed great emphasis on making Artvise Customer Service user-friendly, which means minimal need for training and thanks to the fact that we have also designed the system for fast processing, the customer will always get quick answers and avoid long queues - the customer is always in focus! Artvise Customer Service makes it possible to easily produce relevant statistics and handle follow-ups, rules and alarms, which means that the system can be an important instrument for and form the basis for the organization's continuous improvement work.
